Garland Realty Company
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Part Three of your Garland Realty & Management Application
​Thanks for completing the first two sections of the Garland application process.  If you have not completed either of the first two sessions, please go back to page one or page two and complete them before proceeding with this page.  If you find that you  would rather print an application and submit it by fax, download a hard copy here.
If there are other sources of income you would like us to consider, please list income, source and person (Banker, Employer, etc.) who we could contact for confirmation. You do NOT have to reveal alimony, child support or spouse's annual income unless you want us to consider it in this application.

Amount of Supplimental Income   $
Other sources of income you want considered
Please Give Your Vehicle Information 
TOTAL NUMBER OF VEHICLES (Including Company Vehicles)
Vehicle year
Vehicle year
Tag number and state
Tag number and state
Other Car, Motorcycle, etc.: 
Tell us about your character.  Check below any of the following is true.
Legal Name
               3          4          
Have you ever been sued for non-payment of rent?
Have you been evicted or asked to move out?
Have you ever been sued for damages?
Broken a rental agreement or lease.
Declared bankrupcy
Been arrested or convicted of a criminal offense